Every ethnicity region they have different ways of doing things like they way they dress, what they eat, what they believe etc. Early Native Americans introduced cornbread, turkey, cranberry/blueberries hominy, and mush to the U.S. Around the world food is usually introduced by how popular it is, the use of indigenous domesticated and wild foods can be categorized as Native American food/cuisine. The types of food varies within the regions so like Southeastern Native American culture has formed the cornerstone of Southern cuisine. Corn was the main staple of the Southeast it was used to make hominy and all kinds of different dishes from cornbread to grits, and even liquor like whiskey. They eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Vegetables including squash, pumpkin, many beans and potatoes etc. Fruits like muscadines, blackberries, raspberries and many other wild berries were apart of their diet.
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